
Senin, 15 Maret 2010

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Saya mau kasih informasi terbaru dari bisnis INTERNET MARKETING saya kepada anda dan hasilnya sungguh lumayan atau boleh dibilang lebih dari lumayan dan jaringan INTERNET MARKETING saya bukan hanya ada di Indonesia tapi juga ada dibeberapa negara lainnya
Cuma satu syarat saya yang akan saya berikan kepada anda, tapi anda jangan marah ya (kalau marah juga nggak apa-apa) anda harus belajar dua kali yaitu belajar membangun BISNIS INTERNET MARKETING dan BELAJAR BERBAHASA INGGRIS (ini suatu keharusan lho).
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Selamat bergabung

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010


1 Sept.2008 ,over 2800 Sales Teams from all over Pakistan ,as well as senior management teams from TIENS and Bannerstore Pakistan gathered together in Jihna Convention Center to celebrate the 13th Anniversary, and the Inauguration of 4 Bannerstore in Pakistan ,to give recognitions to the Best Man of the Year,both from management team and sales teams!


This occasion is honored by the presence of 2 VIP guests, Mr. Luo Zhaohui ,Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan,and former President of Pakisan,former Head of Senate Mr. Wasim Sajjad!

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In their speeches ,the Ambassador and Mr. Wasim Sajjad congratulated the 13th Anniversary,as well as the inauguration of four Bannerstoers in Pakistan !

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On the stage ,TIENS Vice President Mr. Yan ,South Asia Zonal Manager Mr.Feng thanked the presence ,support and cooperation extended by Chinese Embassy and Mr. Wasim Sajjad.They also appreciated the effort by the Pakistan sales teams and management teams in promoting TIENS business & health in Pakistan.

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Then ,Special guests gave the Best Man Free China Tour Award to the 2 Management Staff. Mr. Yan gave Award & badge to the first GL in South Asia.

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Mr.Feng gave the Award & Badge to the 2nd SL in the Country, followed by Mr. Xu Yong, Bannerstore Overseas Business Development Manager who gave the Int’l Free Tour Awards to the 3 new BL.

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Mr. Yan, Mr. Feng and Pak MD gave Brand Cars to 6 new prepaid car holders who qualified the 8*-top 20-25000GPV assessment, with difficulties!

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All new 8* got the new badges ,and dozens of new 7* and over hundred new 6* got recognition on the stage!

Executive Core Leader
Pudjo Suprapto
ID Tiens No:910.74520

Link ad in here: 
Klub Bisnis Internet Berorientasi Action

Tianshi North Sizzles

Are you ready to success ?

Come on build your organization of network building of Tiens

It is a matter of great pride and privilege for me to be a part of a very high quality Business Meeting and Recognition Ceremony organized in New Delhi on 10th January 2008.  It was not only the quality of the Seminar but also the positive attitude of the distributors which created a lasting impact on the audience as well as the groups who attended the ceremony.  As a matter of fact, distributors and leaders from Jammu &  attended the seminar. Kashmir, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Rajasthan, Bihar and New Delhi

The main attraction was two Quick Achievers who were Awarded Ten Thousand US dollars worth Car for achieving 7* within a period of Six Months only.  During their sharing with the audience I could gather that one of them is a lady distributor Mrs. Shyama Goswami and more so is a house wife. I must say that it has conveyed a big message to all who has one or the other excuses for not performing. The second achiever Mr. Udit Kanwal Sharma was a picture of great confidence and appeared to me, a true professional. People like him are going to be a great asset to our company. My heartiest congratulations to both Quick achievers and few others who achieved laptop by reaching 6* in four months.
The Special appearance of Top Achiever Mr. Vikas Goel, Silver Lion, Yacht Achiever and his motivation added special glamour to the entire ceremony. My heartiest appreciation goes to all the speakers from north for presenting a high quality content and professional knowledge in their speech and sharing. They have shown a good command on the professional aspects of Network Marketing and firm believers of long term benefits of our business. Those who are still thinking, better watch out for some surprises in 2008 from these stalwarts.
It is time for action. You must remember “Knowing is not Doing, Trying is not Doing, Thinking is not Doing, Planning is not Doing but its only Doing is Doing”. So get on with Action, Action, and Act……..ion.  The year 2008 is going to witness more of Plane, Yacht, Car achievers as compared to the total figures of last five year. Do you want to Make it Happen this time or still want to wait & watch?  Want to see someone else achieve it or even wonder when someone close to you achieves it. The choice is yours. My message is loud and clear, defeat the fear, your most dangerous and biggest enemy. Be courageous to take on the challenges and learn from others mistakes and also do not repeat the mistake once committed.
With seasons greetings and a Great New Year full of smile, celebrations and achievements. See you in Chennai during the South Asia International Convention on 6th April 2008.
Do not forget to participate and bring your full team if you really want to be an 8* in 2008.
SC Mazumdar
Bronze Lion, Member DMCI (Distributor Management Committee of India)

Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Anda pebisnis online?

Anda pelaku usaha online...???
Atau anda sedang membangun Usaha Online dengan website, blog, atau menggunakan jasa internet.....????

Kalau memang ya, maka kami referensikan kepada anda, sebuah solusi yaitu autoresponder dalam negeri yang dapat mendukung usaha atau bisnis online anda. Dengan menggunakan autoresponder pastikan usaha anda menjadi bertambah omzetnya, serta akan meningkat jumlah penghasilan anda

Kami sebagai pelaku usaha yang bergerak dibidang pembangun Bisnis Jaringan dan Network Marketing, dan untuk anda bila anda melakukan transaksi kami sarankan anda menggunakan autoresponder, karena dengan autoresponder maka bisnis anda akan cepat berkembang dan menghasilkan hasil yang maksimal bahkan sangat maksimal, dan untuk memaksimalkannya andapun kami sarankan menggunakan autoresponder dalam negeri untuk memudahkan komunikasi bila anda memiliki permasalahan, pastikan anda segera mengambil keputusan dengan menggunakan autoresponder

Autoresponder gratis

Jadi tunggu apalagi, segera daftarkan diri anda menjadi pengguna autoresponder untuk meningkatkan potensi bisnis anda....
Yakinlah apa yang saya katakan.....

Semoga sukses menyertai anda

callme: maspoedjo
Business Success Owner
Network Builder Organization